Default sound volume in FreeBSD

 18.04.2020 -  ~1 Minute

The default sound volume of FreeBSD can be altered with sysctl.

Current default volume

In order to see the current default volume you need to query the value with sysctl.

root@freebsd:~ # sysctl hw.snd.vpc_0db
hw.snd.vpc_0db: 45

Change default volume

If you want to increase the volume lower the number. For a lower default volume increase it. The changes will have immediately effect.

Increase default volume

root@freebsd:~ # sysctl hw.snd.vpc_0db=35
hw.snd.vpc_0db: 45 -> 35

Decrease default volume

root@freebsd:~ # sysctl hw.snd.vpc_0db=55
hw.snd.vpc_0db: 35 -> 55

Make changes permanent

The changes made to the default volume will not be permanent. After a reboot the default value will be restored. To keep the desired value after a reboot you need to edit /etc/sysctl.conf

# Default sound volume